September 17, 2024

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra With full Meaning and It’s Benefits

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one of the most powerful mantras of Lord Shiva. This mantra is a powerful mantra that removes all diseases. This Mahamrityunjaya mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva is found in Vedas, Markandeya Purana. Mahamrityunjaya mantra is mentioned in the seventh chapter of the Rik Veda, the third chapter of the Yajurveda and the fourteenth stanza of the Atharvaveda. It was composed by Rishi Markandeya.

Background of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra :

Maharishi Mrikandu and his wife Marudavati were childless. They started penance in the hope of getting a son.  Mahadev was pleased with their penance and blessed them with a son. But he gave them one condition.  A long-lived foolish son or a short-lived wise son. What kind of child does she want? Sage Mrikandu wanted a short-lived wise son. Markandeya was born with the blessings of Mahadev. But Markandeya died at the age of sixteen. On the day of his death at the age of sixteen,Markandeya,as advised by experienced sages, clasped the Shiva linga and chanted the Mahamrityunjaya mantra. In due course Yama Raj came to take her but she refused to leave the Shivalinga.When Yama tried to bind Markandeya with his rope, Markandeya grabbed the Shiva linga and chanted the Mahamrityunjay mantra. Seeing the plight of his devotee, Shiva emerges from the Shiva linga and an enraged Shiva attacks Yama. Yama was defeated and went back without taking Markandeya.  Markandeya attained immortality as the bridegroom of Shiva.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra lyrics :

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam
Urvarukam Iva Bandhanan Mrtyor Muksiya Mamrtat

Meaning of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra :

Word By Word Meaning :

Full Meaning of Mahamrityunjay Mantra : Who has three eyes who cherishes the world. Pray to Him to free us from the bonds of death. Just as a cucumber matures, it breaks free from the bonds of its branches. In the same way, when we become mature in the light of knowledge, we should not be deprived of getting liberation, that is, we can get salvation.

Triyambakam : One who has three netras or eyes.
Yajamhe : Whom we worship.
Sugandhim : Aromatic.
Pushti : That which gives strength.
Vardhanam : That which increases or gives strength.
Urbarukamib : like a cucumber.
Bandhanam : One who can free from bonds.
Death : From death.
Mokshiya : Salvation.
Mamritat : frees from salvation.

Full Meaning of Mahamrityunjay Mantra :

Who has three eyes who cherishes the world. Pray to Him to free us from the bonds of death. Just as a cucumber matures, it breaks free from the bonds of its branches. In the same way, when we become mature in the light of knowledge, we should not be deprived of getting liberation, that is, we can get salvation.

How to recite this Mahamrityunjay Mantra :

We will discuss total 11 rules for reciting this Mahamrityunjaya mantra. They are:

One : Always recite the Mahamrityunjaya mantra while sitting in front of any Shiva linga or Shiva idol or picture.

Two : Recite Mahamrityunjay Mantra with correct pronunciation.

Three : During the chanting of the mantra, always light the incense and the lamp and sit for chanting.

Four : Chant the mantra always facing east.

Five : Keep the number of mantra chants fixed. That is if you chant 108 times then chant 108 times daily. Never reduce the number of chants. Can increase if necessary.

Six : This mantra should be recited at the same time every day. Do not sit chanting one morning and one afternoon.

Seven : Don’t sit on the bare floor to chant. Chant sitting in any seat.

Eight : Bathe and wear clean clothes and sit chanting mantras. After purifying the mind and body, sit in chanting. Chant only after calming the mind.

Nine : Chant this mantra at least 108 times a day.

Ten : Chant this mantra with Rudraksha garland only. If you don’t have rudraksha garland, count it by hand and chant.

Eleven : Start chanting this mantra from Monday.

Benefits of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra :

First : The greatness is hidden in this word Maha Mrityunjaya.  Maha means great and Mrityunjaya means one who can conquer death.

Second : Regular recitation of this mantra removes the fear of death for you and your family

Two : If someone is suffering from an incurable disease, he will get well soon.  This Mahamrytyunjaya mantra is a cure for all diseases.

Three : All obstacles in samsara and personal life are removed.  All the negative energies of the house are removed.

Four : Improvement in work or business is very quick.

Five : This mantra is very useful for getting sons for those who are childless.

Six : Wealth is obtained by reciting this mantra.

The greatness of Mahamrityunjay Mantra is now recognized by science. This mantra is now being used to cure diseases. Everyone should recite this mantra in daily life. One who recites this mantra has no fear of death and removes all obstacles in life and reaches the pinnacle of success.

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